The EC Auction Gala is on April 4! Purchase Tickets and Learn More
Think back to the very beginning of Eastern Christian School: 1892. Exactly when did this 125+ year-old school begin its existence? Can we trace EC’s origin to a single point in time?
Eastern Christian School didn’t start with any building or even any person. EC began with an idea and a prayer: an idea of Christ-centered education and a prayer dedicating this vision to God. When this idea and this prayer met – that was when Eastern Christian School was conceived.
Since its beginnings, prayer has been encoded into the very DNA of Eastern Christian School. EC has an expressive prayer chromosome that permeates everything that we do. The school day, worship services, sporting events, snacks, meals, musical and dramatic performances, parent/teacher conferences, administrative team meetings, board meetings, and association meetings all begin with prayer. Both the formal business of the school and the goofy, crazy activities that organically sprout from working with children are dedicated to God in prayer.
There’s something very simple and yet profound about the commonness of prayer at EC. By starting everything in prayer at EC, we regularly acknowledge God’s sovereignty. We praise him, thank him, and glorify His name. We proclaim in both pubic and in private that we are His and that without him, we can do nothing.
At Eastern Christian School, we are thankful to live in a free society that permits our free expression of worship through prayer. Let’s use today as a special reminder of God’s faithfulness to our school for nearly 125 years and pray for His continued direction and protection for the next 125 years. Who knows- perhaps a blog post (or whatever the blog equivalent in the year 2,142 A.D. will be) from Eastern Christian will be written again proclaiming God’s faithfulness to our community and our thankfulness to Him!